Welcome to this new blog post where we will discuss why you should choose Hugo to build your website and how you can get started using it to create fast and powerful websites. Hugo is one of the fastest and simplest content management systems (CMS) for building static sites. In this article, I will provide an overview of the benefits of using Hugo and the steps to get started.

Why Choose Hugo to Build Your Website?

  • Super Fast: Hugo is one of the fastest content management systems, capable of building sites in milliseconds, making the development process quick and efficient.
  • Easy to Use: With its simple structure and reliance on text files (Markdown), anyone without extensive programming knowledge can start building their site.
  • Flexible and Scalable: Hugo gives you complete freedom to design and organize your site in the way that suits you, along with support for numerous themes and plugins.
  • Excellent SEO Compatibility: Sites built with Hugo are fast and responsive, helping to improve your site’s ranking in search engines.
  • High Security: Since Hugo sites are static, they are less susceptible to attacks compared to dynamic sites.

How to Get Started with Hugo?

Here are simple steps to start building your site with Hugo:

1. Install Hugo

First, you need to install Hugo on your device. You can install it using the appropriate package manager for your operating system:

For macOS:

brew install hugo

For Windows:

You can download the installer from the official Hugo website here.

For Linux:

sudo apt-get install hugo

2. Create a New Site

After installing Hugo, you can create a new site using the following command:

hugo new site my-website

This command will create a new directory containing the basic structure of your site.

3. Add a Theme

Hugo comes with many ready-to-use themes. You can browse the available themes in the Hugo Themes Repository. To add a theme to your site, use the following command:

cd my-website
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/budparr/gohugo-theme-ananke.git themes/ananke

Then edit the config.toml file to add the theme:

theme = "ananke"

4. Add a New Page

To add a new page to your site, use the following command:

hugo new posts/my-first-post.md

This command will create a new Markdown file that you can edit to add your content.

5. Run the Development Server

To see your site during development, you can run the local development server using the command:

hugo server

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:1313 to see your new site in action.

6. Build the Site for Deployment

When you are ready to deploy your site, use the following command to build the site:


This command will generate the static files for your site in the public directory, which you can upload to any web server.


Hugo is a great tool for building static websites quickly and efficiently. With its speed and ease of use, you can create responsive and secure sites in no time. I hope this guide has helped you get started on your journey with Hugo. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to me.

Hugo Logo

Enjoy building your site with Hugo, and let’s turn your ideas into a digital reality! 🚀✨